React library for building collaboration features with y-sweet.
npm install @y-sweet/react
Read the documentation for guides and API references.
Explore our collaborative examples to help you get started.
All examples are open source and live in this repository, within /examples.
is a shared object or mapuseMap
exposes a Yjs Y.Map
. You can refer to the documentation for Y.Map
Our Color Grid example uses useMap
to store a grid of colors using coordinates as keys.
const items = useMap<string>('colorgrid')
items.set(`${x},${y}`, color)
is a shared arrayuseArray
exposes a Yjs Y.Array
. You can refer to the documentation for Y.Array
Our To Do List example, which uses useArray
to store a list of To Do items.
The To Do List stores an array of objects of type Y.Map (a Yjs type). This maintains the order of the To Do List, while being able to indicate whether an item is ‘done’.
const items = useArray<Y.Map<any>>('todolist')
const pushItem = useCallback((text: string) => {
let item = new Y.Map([
['text', text],
['done', false],
] as [string, any][])
const clearCompleted = useCallback(() => {
let indexOffset = 0
items?.forEach((item, index) => {
if (item.get('done')) {
items.delete(index - indexOffset, 1)
indexOffset += 1
}, [items])
is a shared stringuseText
exposes a Yjs Y.Text
. You can refer to the documentation for Y.Text
Our Text Editor example, which uses useText
to store the text document.
const yText = useText('text')
returns an Yjs awareness objectThe awareness object can be applied to editor bindings with Yjs that have built in presence features.
Our Code Editor demo passes the awareness object to the CodeMirror Yjs binding.
const awareness = useAwareness()
bindingRef.current = new CodemirrorBinding(yText!, editorRef.current, awareness)
for general purpose presence featuresThe usePresence
hook is a more opinionated service that lets you define what presence data you're saving.
This is easier for building your own live cursors or avatars than the using the useAwareness
Our Presence demo defines presence as a map of x,y keys and color value pairs.
const [presence, setPresence] = usePresence<{ x: number; y: number; color: string }>()
const updatePresence = useCallback((e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => {
x: e.clientX - e.currentTarget.offsetLeft,
y: e.clientY - e.currentTarget.offsetTop,
color: myColor.current,
}, [setPresence])
className="border-blue-400 border relative overflow-hidden w-[500px] h-[500px]"
{Array.from(presence.entries()).map(([key, value]) => (
className={`absolute rounded-full ${value.color}`}
style={{ left: value.x - 6, top: value.y - 8, width: 10, height: 10 }}
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